Integrated approaches for personalized cardiovascular prevention:
the CVRISK-IT study
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
“On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.
There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.“
“The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”
“From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.”
Giornata del cuore/ Prevenzione cardiovascolare gratis e su misura: come partecipare allo studio CVRISK-ITper cittadini sani tra 40 e 80 anni
Inizierà a gennaio, segnando un passo significativo verso la prevenzione cardiovascolare di precisione e personalizzata, il reclutamento dei 30 mila cittadini sani, di età compresa tra 40 e 80 anni, che decideranno di aderire volontariamente a CVRISK-IT, la più importante iniziativa mai promossa in Italia sul tema delle malattie cardiache coordinata dalla Rete Cardiologica Irccs del Ministero della Salute.
Malattie cardiovascolari, dalla Rete cardiologica Irccs maxi progetto di prevenzione per ridurre il rischio: finanziamento da 20 mln e 30mila persone sane reclutate
Il 54% degli italiani ritiene di non essere a rischio: al contrario, le malattie cardiovascolari rappresentano la prima causa di morte sia in Italia (30,8%) sia in Europa, dove pesano per il 32%, seguite da quelle oncologiche (22%). Solo un italiano su due dichiara di fare “qualcosa” per la prevenzione cardiovascolare (e solo 1 su 10 ritiene di fare “molto”), concentrandosi sull’alimentazione (50%), sul movimento e sull’attività fisica (39%).
Salute, solo 1 italiano su 2 fa prevenzione cardiovascolare
Il 54% degli italiani ritiene di non essere a rischio: al contrario, le malattie cardiovascolari rappresentano la prima causa di morte sia in Italia (30,8%) sia in Europa. Anche nel continente, infatti, pesano per il 32%seguite da quelle oncologiche (22%). Solo un italiano su due dichiara di fare “qualcosa” per la prevenzione cardiovascolare (e solo 1 su 10 ritiene di fare “molto”), concentrandosi sull’alimentazione (50%), sul movimento e sull’attività fisica (39%).
Le malattie cardiovascolari sono la prima causa di morte in Italia e in Europa
Le malattie cardiovascolari rappresentano la prima causa di morte sia in Italia (30,8%) che in Europa. Nonostante questo, il 54% degli italiani ritiene di non essere a rischio. Anche nel continente le malattie cardiovascolari pesano per il 32%, seguite da quelle oncologiche (22%). È quanto emerso nel corso della conferenza stampa ‘Al cuore della prevenzione: strategie avanzate per ridurre l’incidenza delle malattie cardiovascolari e sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica italiana’, ospitata oggi alla Camera dei deputati e promossa dalla Rete Cardiologica Irccs, a cui aderiscono 20 istituti di ricovero e cura a carattere scientifico (
Malattie cardiovascolari, fa prevenzione solo la metà degli italiani. Lo studio
Lo studio Cvrisk-It e la più importante iniziativa promossa sul tema delle malattie cardiache nel nostro Paese, condotto dalla Rete Cardiologica Irccs, alla quale aderiscono 20 Istituti di ricovero e cura a carattere scientifico, e finanziato grazie ad un emendamento alla legge di Bilancio 2023.
Al via un progetto per la prevenzione delle cardiopatie per 30 mila persone
Un progetto quadriennale per una prevenzione cardiovascolare di precisione personalizzata permetterà di identificare i fattori di rischio della popolazione italiana e adottare strategie mirate per ridurre l’incidenza di cardiopatie. Finanziato dal Parlamento con 20 milioni di euro, lo studio Cvrisk-It è stato presentato oggi alla Camera dei deputati in una conferenza stampa promossa dalla Rete Cardiologica Irccs alla quale aderiscono 20 IRCCS (
Come avere a cuore la salute del cuore?
È un amico molto importante, un amico d’infanzia che è nato con noi: è il nostro cuore. A Obiettivo Salute Weekend attenzioni, precauzioni, avvertenze, ma anche segnali sintomi da non sottovalutare. Al microfono di Nicoletta Carbone il dottor Lorenzo Menicanti, Direttore Policlinico San Donato e Presidente Rete Cardiologica IRCCS. Con l’esperto parliamo anche dello studio CVRISK IT la più importante iniziativa di prevenzione pluriennale promossa in Italia sul tema delle malattie cardiache.
Al via studio con 17 IRCCS, 11 sono lombardi. Previsto il reclutamento di 30.000 individui sani tra 40 e 80 anni
Il 54%*degli italiani ritiene di non essere a rischio: al contrario, le malattie cardiovascolari rappresentano la prima causa di morte sia in Italia (30,8%**) sia in Europa***. Anche nel continente, infatti, pesano per il 32%seguite da quelle oncologiche (22%). Solo un italiano su due dichiara di fare ‘qualcosa’ per la prevenzione cardiovascolare (e solo 1 su 10 ritiene di fare ‘molto’), concentrandosi sull’alimentazione (50%), sul movimento e sull’attività fisica (39%). A effettuare controlli ed esami medici regolari è il 18%.
Malattie cardiovascolari, controlli al cuore: solo il 18% li fa
Malattie cardiovascolari in aumento: sono la prima causa di morte in Italia. Mentre i medici mettono in allerta sul prevenire le malattie attraverso uno stile di vita sano, i dati mostrano dati preoccupanti: serve più attenzione alle cause di rischio. Il 54% degli italiani ritiene di non essere a rischio infarto, ma in realtà il 32% dei decessi registrati in Europa è legato a una patologia al cuore. In Italia si scende, ma di pochissimo (30,8%). Numeri che superano che superano abbondantemente i decessi dei pazienti oncologici (22%), scardinando così uno stereotipo che porta a una scarsa attenzione al benessere del nostro cuore.
Al cuore della prevenzione: un evento per spiegare le strategie per ridurre l’incidenza delle malattie cardiovascolari
Le malattie cardiovascolari sono la principale causa di morte in Italia (30,8%) e nel mondo, con 20 milioni di decessi/anno. Consapevole di quest’urgenza il Parlamento, attraverso il ministero della Salute, ha finanziato (legge 29 dicembre 2022, n. 197 Art. 1 co 531) “Al cuore della prevenzione – Approcci integrati per una prevenzione cardiovascolare di precisione personalizzata: lo studio Cvrisk-It”, la più importante iniziativa promossa sul tema delle malattie cardiache nel nostro Paese. Fortemente innovativo, il progetto sarà interamente realizzato dalla Rete Cardiologica Irccs che si avvarrà della collaborazione di istituzioni, centri di ssistenza primaria, agenzie governative e organizzazioni di volontariato.
Malattie cardiovascolari, dalla Rete cardiologica Irccs maxi progetto di prevenzione per ridurre il rischio: finanziamento da 20 mln e 30mila persone sane reclutate
Il trial riguarderà 30 mila persone sane e sarà coordinato dalla Rete Cardiologica Irccs. Il sottosegretario Gemmato: “Esempio virtuoso di un nuovo approccio alla gestione anticipata delle patologie croniche». Il presidente Menicanti: “Contribuirà a innalzare l’efficacia dei livelli di prevenzione e a formulare protocolli di gestione sempre più adeguati»
Salute, solo 1 italiano su 2 fa prevenzione cardiovascolare
Il 54% degli italiani ritiene di non essere a rischio: al contrario, le malattie cardiovascolari rappresentano la prima causa di morte sia in Italia (30,8%) sia in Europa. Anche nel continente, infatti, pesano per il 32%seguite da quelle oncologiche (22%). Solo un italiano su due dichiara di fare “qualcosa” per la prevenzione cardiovascolare (e solo 1 su 10 ritiene di fare “molto”), concentrandosi sull’alimentazione (50%), sul movimento e sull’attività fisica (39%). A effettuare controlli ed esami medici regolari è il 18% e solo l’11% dichiara d’impegnarsi a ridurre il fumo. Gli ostacoli che rallentano le azioni preventive sono molteplici: modifica dello stile di vita (39%), scarsa consapevolezza del rischio (33%), mancanza di informazioni su cosa fare per la prevenzione (27%) e scarsa comunicazione/supporto da parte del medico (21%).
La prevenzione cardiologica salva la vita
l racconto dell’avvocato Nunzio Raimondi: «Spesso la mancanza di segni evidenti di gravi cardiopatie conduce a morti improvvise».
«Sono un cardiopatico operato d’urgenza tre anni orsono di quattro by pass aortocoronarici. E’ stato un intervento cosiddetto “salvavita” perché il Prof. Lorenzo Menicanti (nella foto insieme all’avvocato Raimondi), che mi operò, mi disse, il 24 dicembre 2021, “devo operarla immediatamente perché lei può morire da un momento all’altro”.
Il progetto che prevede la malattia
Così la diagnosi diventa più accurata. L’obiettivo del protocollo è valutare l’efficacia dei sistemi di prevenzione. Il reclutamento dei pazienti sarà su base volontaria. Si comincerà nel gennaio prossimo.
Patologia sottovalutata. Solo un italiano su due fa prevenzione cardiaca
Malattie cardiovascolari prima causa di morte eppure le persone si ritengono immuni da problemi. “Bisogna rendere la popolazione più consapevole”. Intervista a Lorenzo Menicanti, Presidente della Rete Cardiologica.
Le malattie cardiovascolari, prima causa di morte.
Al via il progetto di ricerca finanziato dal Ministero della Salute
Intervista al Presidente della Rete Cardiologica, Lorenzo Menicanti.