Aims and objectives of the widespread biobank project
- collect, store and share in the biobanks of the IRCCS participating in the Cardiology Network, biological samples and related clinical and epidemiological information collected during the development of joint projects;
- facilitate the coordination of biobanks by harmonising operational procedures for the collection, management and cryopreservation of the sample;
- facilitate the access of the IRCCS of the Cardiology Network to samples and associated data for the development of joint research projects;
- addressing legal, ethical and social issues on the use of samples and data, in full respect of the rights of participants, using common forms;
- participate, as a Network, at national and international level in projects involving the use of samples and/or data.
The development of the platform will ensure the networking of different biobanking experiences, but united by the interest in cardiovascular diseases, with obvious advantage for cardiovascular, primary and secondary prevention programs, diagnosis and treatment of the national health system, and with the possibility of reaching “critical masses” important both in the field of biobanks of population and pathology, such that none of the biobanks individually could have achieved. This will help to achieve, within the Cardiology Network, concrete results in a short time with a favourable impact on public health and a consequent reduction in health expenditure.
The collection of samples from the Widespread Biobank of the Cardiology Network will start from the CV-PREVITAL project.