IRCCS Centro Cardiologico Monzino
via Carlo Parea, 4, 20138 Milano (MI)
Patologie cardiovascolari
+39 02.58002369
Prof. Giulio Pompilio
IRCCS Centro Cardiologico Monzino
Centro Cardiologico Monzino is a research and teaching hospital entirely devoted to the study and the medical and surgical treatment of cardiovascular pathologies.
Monzino was founded in 1981 by Italo Monzino and Professor Cesare Bartorelli of the University of Milan, who successfully created a hospital exclusively devoted to clinical diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
Centro Cardiologico Monzino is a teaching hospital hosting many activities and programs in collaboration with the University of Milan. Clinical, research and educational activities are combined in a “multidisciplinary approach” with the mission to achieve “Research for care”, transferring the results of research and scientific activities into clinical practice. Every year, almost 1.500 surgical interventions are performed, along with 7.000 electrophysiology hemodynamic and cardioversion procedures, 59.000 medical examinations and 8.700 admissions.
Centro Cardiologico Monzino has also a specialized cardio-vascular Emergency Unit, which ensures the service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and has more than 11.600 admissions per year.
The patient is always central in all activities of the Centro Cardiologico Monzino and major efforts are directed towards the creation of the best conditions that guarantee the excellence in research. The Institute actively works in the field of prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases, through the development of clinical-scientific research and organizational and managerial innovation, in a context characterized by a firm attention to the quality of the services provided to the patients. The main purposes of the Institute are: a) to maintain the monothematic identity and excellence in the areas of critical and clinical cardiology, interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, cardiac and vascular surgery and imaging in synergy with translational research, prevention and precision medicine; b) to provide the best care to the single patient through the definition and implementation of clinical and research programs and precision medicine paths; c) to establish the best therapeutic approaches, develop clinic and research high-throughput platforms and integrate input (data sources) and outputs (analytical methods and applications) of data analysis to bring clinical and diagnostic innovations to the patient’s bed and to improve diagnosis, therapies and care.
Monzino is a national and international reference point for the cardiovascular scientific research that arises from the synergy between researchers and physicians, and that is led with the most innovative technologies and methodologies, integrating molecular and basic studies with clinical studies, developing a model of translational research that is central in the patient’s care. The research units are strongly involved in the development of research projects in the field of prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Of particular relevance, among the active projects, are the “EPIFANIA study” that, through a combined approach between coronary computed tomography and genomic biomarkers, aims to identify early subjects with subclinical atherosclerosis at greater risk for developing a medium-long myocardial infarction and the prevention programs “Monzino Women”, “Monzino Sport” and “PROSALUTE”.