Detection and harmonization of cardiovascular network biobanks
The objective of the WG is the creation of a widespread biobank among the institutes of theRete Cardiologica, containing the biological samples of all the studies, through which it will be possible to:
a) characterize the biomarkers indicating the risk of cardio disease – and vascular cerebro, b) the identification of new therapeutic targets, c) the assessment of the relative weight of genetic/epigenetic and environmental factors (stress, education lifestyles, economic factors, air pollution) in multifactorial diseases.
The path is progressing among multiple fronts and provides for:
- the identification and characterisation of existing infrastructure at the network institutions’ level. For this purpose, was carried out a census by sending a specific questionnaire to the biobanks and identify a coordinator for each institution.
- the harmonization of the procedures for collecting, storing and redistributing samples; verifying the possible inclusion in the national network, promoting the dissemination of the new ISO 20387, a specific regulation for the accreditation of biobanks (dissemination of information on the working groups of BBMRI 2019/2020).
- the dissemination of the correct sharing practices (from data to results) in research biobanking by sharing common ethical regulations (information note, informed consent and related documents).