IRCCS Policlinico San Donato


Via Morandi 30 – 20097 San Donato Milanese (MI)




Malattie del cuore e dei grandi vasi nell’adulto e nel bambino


Dott. Lorenzo Menicanti

IRCCS Policlinico San Donato

Policlinico San Donato is a university and research hospital provided with the main clinical specialties particularly focused on the study and treatment of cardiac and great vessel diseases through a multidisciplinary approach and devoted to high quality professional training.
Our institute is a didactic center of the Università degli Studi di Milano and it hosts the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Nursing Sciences and some postgraduate medical residency programs. Moreover, our hospital is a medical training center chosen by many foreign students and doctors.

In 1988 was established the Cardiovascular Department “Edmondo Malan” comprehensive of every medical and surgical cardiovascular specialties; since then, patients from every region of Italy and from all over the world have been successfully treated.
Thanks to its proven expertise and high quality health care and due to the relevant scientific contribution of its medical staff, Policlinico San Donato was recognized by the Italian Ministry of Health as Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care for the study and treatment of cardiac and great vessel diseases (Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico per lo studio e la cura delle Malattie del cuore e dei grandi vasi nell’adulto e nel bambino – Ministerial Decree, 6 March 2006).

Our research activities are directly connected with healthcare providing specialized and tailored therapies and treatment to every patient, from fetuses to oldest old people.
Our research projects are predominantly clinical with a translational approach supported by our biomolecular, bioengineering and advanced-imaging research laboratories. Heart failure, valvular heart diseases, Brugada Syndrome, congenital cardiopathies, aortic diseases and cardiometabolic diseases are the major interests of the lines of research pursued by our IRCCS.