Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Nazionale Mondino
Via Mondino 2, 27100 Pavia
Neuroscienze e Neuroriabilitazione

Dott. Roberto Bergamaschi
Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Neurologico Nazionale Mondino
The Mondino Foundation is a centre of excellence and a point of reference in the field of neurology, both nationally and internationally, for the diagnosis and treatment of stroke and cerebrovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and motor neuron diseases), and multiple sclerosis, as well as headache and epilepsy, both in children/adolescents and in adults. With regard to this latter disease, the Foundation is a member of EpiCARE: a European Reference Network for rare and complex epilepsies.
Further areas of excellence are child and adolescent neuropsychiatry, neuromuscular diseases, brain tumours, neurophthalmology, sleep disorders, dysphagia, and rare diseases with neurological involvement.
The Foundation’s clinical activities are organized in 3 Departments (Emergency Neurology/Stroke, Neurology and Neurorehabilitation, Neurodiagnostics), which have a total of 131 beds, in addition to 4 day hospital beds and 6 for outpatient complex care services. Each year, the Foundation records around 4,000 inpatient admissions and delivers over 100,000 highly specialised outpatient services.
Its scientific activities include programmes of research, both clinical (conducted in patients) and preclinical (conducted in experimental models), through which it seeks to clarify the pathogenic mechanisms underlying the different diseases and test innovative therapeutic strategies and diagnostic procedures.
With 64 neurologists and 36 researchers (biologists, neurobiologists, physicists, bioengineers, psychologists), working in 12 clinical and preclinical research laboratories and 13 research centres, the Foundation conducts and participates in national and international projects and scientific networks, as coordinator and/or as a partner. In recent years, it has promoted a process of technological innovation of research and diagnostics, particularly in neurogenetics and neuroimaging.
The Foundation organises professional training and refresher courses for doctors, nurses, technicians and managers; it is also a teaching hospital, being affiliated with the University of Pavia and home to the University’s Department of Nervous System and Behavioural Sciences.