IRCCS Istituto Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù
Piazza S. Onofrio, 4 - 00163 Roma

Prof. Andrea Onetti Muda
IRCCS Istituto Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù
Bambino Gesù Hospital is the largest Polyclinic and Pediatric Research Center in Europe, it cooperates with the main international centres of the sector. Founded on March, 19th 1869 by the Dukes Salviati as a philanthropic institution, in 1985 the Hospital was officially recognized as a Scientific Institute for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care (IRCCS). In 2010 Directional Centre was opened in San Paolo fuori le Mura. In 2012, in the same area the new polyclinic was inaugurated and in 2014 the new laboratories for research and the Pharmaceutical Workshop, which in 2016 was certified by AIFA for the production of medicines for advanced therapies. The Hospital is accredited by the Joint Commission International as academic hospital.
Scientific Activity
In 2018, 28.754 hospitalizations were made, 324 transplants, 41.626 day hospital, 85.012 visits to the emergency room, about 1.921.232 outpatient services.
The Child Jesus took care of 13.307 rare patients in 2018 and is a partner of 15 European Reference Networks for rare diseases.
The scientific activity is evidenced by the following numerical data: 774 resources full time for research; divided into 6 areas: Rare disease genetics, multifactorial diseases of complex diseases, Immunology, Infectiology and development of pediatric drugs, Onco-hematology, Clinical-management innovations and technology.
The Institute’s 2018 normalized impact factor is 2.793 points with 679 publications, 262 of wich international, and 762 research projects and clinical trials. The hospital collaborates with over 250 national and international institutes.
Cardiological activity
The Medical Department of Pediatric Cardiology (DMCCP) is divided into complex and simple units that deal with cardiology and clinical-interventional arrhythmology, hemodynamics, cardiac surgery, sports medicine, thoracic transplantation and hypertension for a hospital-stay assessment, day-hospital and outpatient of pediatric cardiopathic patients with or without congenital heart disease and adult patients with congenital heart disease.
Approximately 2,000 procedures are performed each year between cardiac surgery, cardiac catheterization, electrophysiology and cardiostimulation. Over the years, 299 organ transplants (heart and / or lungs) have been performed, and since 2008 71 artificial hearts have been implanted, including 53 Berlin Heart (30 pts. under 10 kg of weight), with excellent results and a low percentage of complications.
Regarding clinical-diagnostic activity and instrumental tests, about 5.531 day-hospital and 75.471 outpatient evaluations are performed every year. In the DMCCP there are many excellences of international level and participate in national and international registers and study groups. The Center is a HCP (Health Care Provider) of the ERN Guard Heart network for rare heart diseases.