IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano
via L. Ariosto, 13-20145 Milano
Malattie cardio-cerebrovascolari, neurodegenerative, endocrino-metaboliche, immunologiche e dell'invecchiamento

Prof. Gianfranco Parati
IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano
The IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano with different hospital sites in Lombardy and Piedmont offers a global integrated management of cerebrovascular/neurological and auxological/endrocrinogical/metabolic diseases starting from their prevention and extending to their diagnosis, care and long term monitoring. Our acute and chronic person-centered medical care approach, inclusive of rehabilitative aspects, starts from the individual genetic fingerprinting and clinical phenotype.
The diagnostic and therapeutic approach of our Institute represents a complex model wherein clinic and basic research are fully integrated aiming to a better understanding of the pathophysiological mechanism underlying human diseases, discovering innovative as well as more targeted diagnostic technologies (both invasive and non-invasive), including state of the art imaging techniques and modern tools. Patients’ monitoring during daytime activities as well as during night sleep is made possible thanks to wearable sensors and a modern Sleep Center, which contributes to the development of more effective therapeutic strategies.
Our research approach exploits all emerging medical technologies and facilities, including updated biochemical and molecular laboratories for the identification of sensitive biomarkers and for studying genetic and cellular pathophysiological mechanisms, comprising the use of stem cells as a bioassay to test innovative therapeutic methodologies. This integrated approach ensures an accurate and personalized health care, in a modern perspective aimed to a precision therapy and to the application of the best person-centered rehabilitative programs which are supported by the most innovative instruments, including bioinformatics, telemedicine and virtual reality approaches.
Attention to quality in every aspect of patient care is completed with the support of the patient Associations for different diseases to guarantee a better support both to patients and families.