IRCCS INRCA Istituto Nazionale di Ricovero e Cura per Anziani VE II
Via S.Margherita, 5 - 60124 Ancona
Geriatrico e gerontologico

Dr.ssa Fabrizia Lattanzio
IRCCS INRCA Istituto Nazionale di Ricovero e Cura per Anziani VE II
The mission of INRCA finds its core on the one hand in being a research institute and on the other in having a strong specialist connotation in the geriatric and gerontological fields. The recent development of health policies requires an evolution of the rationale behind the Italian Research Institutes (i.e.IRCCS), from the simple provision of health services to the provision of health and scientific knowledge.
The aim is well defined as an unicum among the Italian public and private IRCCS, constituting a point of strength and commitment, projecting the Institute into the international research field and making it a national scientific point of reference.
The mission includes the scientific activity and applicative interaction with the industrial world.
In its twofold role as a national structure (Research Institute of Residential and outpatient Care ), embedded in the Regional Health Systems and, consequently, in the territorial realities, the Institute pursues the following objectives:
- to pursue always higher levels of activity, through the strengthening of translational research and the development of clinical trials, in order to give always higher evidence of the effects of research on care capacity;
- to continue to be a “reference point for excellence” at regional, national and international level on research and care in the geriatric field;
- To strengthen the professionals know-how, also ensuring skills transfer from the most experienced professionals working in the Institute, characterizing its excellence and attractiveness, to the youngest professionals;
- To develop new and increasingly efficient organizational models that facilitate the integration between care and research, between the University and the Health Service, between the Operational Units of care and research and the support services.