Integrated approaches for personalized cardiovascular prevention:
the CVRISK-IT study


On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.

There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.

The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”

From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.


On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.

There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.

The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”

From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.


On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.

There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.

The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”

From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.


On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.

There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.

The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”

From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.


On June 14 and 15, the CVRISK-IT study will be officially presented, an important study wanted by the Italian Parliament and sponsored by the Ministry of Health, which will involve 30,000 healthy people. This is a large primary prevention study that we will present in all its features, as well as presenting the Cardiology Network as an actor and main performer in the study.

There are 17 IRCCSs entering the study, and this is the first time that IRCCSs in the Cardiology Network are producing such an important infrastructure to improve cardiovascular prevention.

The presentation will feature subject matter experts and leading experts, who will share the task of analyzing the various systems, the various means of prevention according to clinical differences.”

From this study we expect to improve prevention, and to make the population aware in an important way.


Malattie cardiovascolari, dalla Rete cardiologica Irccs maxi progetto di prevenzione per ridurre il rischio: finanziamento da 20 mln e 30mila persone sane reclutate

Il trial riguarderà 30 mila persone sane e sarà coordinato dalla Rete Cardiologica Irccs. Il sottosegretario Gemmato: “Esempio virtuoso di un nuovo approccio alla gestione anticipata delle patologie croniche». Il presidente Menicanti: “Contribuirà a innalzare l’efficacia dei livelli di prevenzione e a formulare protocolli di gestione sempre più adeguati»



Salute, solo 1 italiano su 2 fa prevenzione cardiovascolare

Il 54% degli italiani ritiene di non essere a rischio: al contrario, le malattie cardiovascolari rappresentano la prima causa di morte sia in Italia (30,8%) sia in Europa. Anche nel continente, infatti, pesano per il 32%seguite da quelle oncologiche (22%). Solo un italiano su due dichiara di fare “qualcosa” per la prevenzione cardiovascolare (e solo 1 su 10 ritiene di fare “molto”), concentrandosi sull’alimentazione (50%), sul movimento e sull’attività fisica (39%). A effettuare controlli ed esami medici regolari è il 18% e solo l’11% dichiara d’impegnarsi a ridurre il fumo. Gli ostacoli che rallentano le azioni preventive sono molteplici: modifica dello stile di vita (39%), scarsa consapevolezza del rischio (33%), mancanza di informazioni su cosa fare per la prevenzione (27%) e scarsa comunicazione/supporto da parte del medico (21%).



Le malattie cardiovascolari, prima causa di morte.

Al via il progetto di ricerca finanziato dal Ministero della Salute

Intervista al Presidente della Rete Cardiologica, Lorenzo Menicanti.