IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
Largo Rosanna Benzi 10 – 16132 Genova
Oncology - Neuroscience
+39 010/5551 (switchboard)

Prof. Antonio Uccelli
IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
The Ospedale Policlinico San Martino (HSM) it is the main “health hub” for Liguria and also attracts patients from other Italian regions. After the merging of the San Martino University Hospital and the Scientific Institute for Cancer Research, the “IRCCS San Martino Hospital – IST National Cancer Research Institute” was established on September 1st, 2011, with a particular focus on hematology and oncology.
At the end of 2017, the name of the Institute was changed to “IRCCS Policlinico San Martino Hospital”. On May 3rd 2018 the Institute was certified for specialization in Neuroscience. HSM is a university hospital hosting the School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
The Institute provides healthcare services for the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses in in-patient and out-patient settings. In addition to being a general hospital, HSM is a leading institution in the field of research, diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in adults and particularly in these fields:
- Cardiology: Acute treatment of myocardial infarction, acute heart failure and cardiogenic shock. Regional reference centre for TAVI, structural heart diseases and percutaneous revascularization with circulatory support. Screening and management of inherited cardiomyopathies. Cardio-oncology.
- Cardiac surgery: Mini-invasive cardiac surgery and “beating-heart” surgery for coronary arteries and valves; LVAD implant as “destination therapy” or as a “bridge” to cardiac transplant; veno-venous or veno-arterial ECMO. Hub centre for all the circulatory support devices.
- Vascular surgery: open, endovascular and hybrid treatment for complex thoracic, thoracoabdominal and abdominal aorta pathology (aneurysm and dissections), treatment of peripheral artery and carotid disease, evaluation of local and systemic inflammatory profile for atherosclerosis, screening program for aortic aneurysm.
The Institute has specific facilities dedicated to research, including a grant office and a clinical trial office as well as some core facilities, like an animal one, a Bio-bank in which are preserved biological samples (from aneurysm and carotid artery), a genomic, proteomic, cytomic and imaging Bio-bank (for human being and animals).
The research laboratories and the facilities are centralized inside the four dedicated towers of the IST Nord building (ex-CBA), including a cardiovascular Core Lab that unifies all the basic research activities of the Institute.