IRCCS MultiMedica


Presidio Ospedaliero Via Milanese 300, Sesto San Giovanni (MI) - Laboratori c/o Polo Scientifico e Tecnologico Multimedica, Via Fantoli 16/15, Milano 




Malattie del Sistema Cardiovascolare


02.242091 - Centralino


Prof.ssa Paola Cornelia Maria Muti

IRCCS MultiMedica

Recognized in 2006 by the Ministry of Health as Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS) in the field of Cardiovascular Medicine, IRCCS MultiMedica located in Sesto San Giovanni (Milan) hosts in an area of  24.110 square meters 161 beds, 29 technical heamodialysis beds, 126 ambulatories, 7 surgery rooms where 828 people work (employees and consultants), 181 of whom medical doctors. The second facility is a building of about 10.000 square meters in Via G. Fantoli 16/15, Milan, hosting experimental laboratories entirely dedicated to translational research.

Thanks to its articulated structure that includes laboratories and therapeutic areas, IRCCS MultiMedica can conduct translational research employing a total of 199 researchers who can integrate clinical practice and experimental research.

Main results obtained to date (2017 data): 984,80 points of Normalized Impact Factor, 195 scientific publications, and 78 active clinical trials with 4.155 patients enrolled.

The National Network for Cardiovascular Diseases of the Ministry of Health has assigned to IRCCS MultiMedica the coordination of the working group “Heart Failure” and has actively involved IRCCS MultiMedica in the working group “Arterial Hypertension-Diabetes and Metabolic Complications”. Of note, the Institute is also highly specialized in the field of diabetes, the main cardiovascular risk factor.

The lines of research approved by the Ministry of Health for the period 2018-2020 are:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases and the polymorbid subject: physiopathology, translational research and care.
  2. Study of risk factors for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases: physiopathology, translational research and experimental applications.