IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini
Via Gerolamo Gaslini, 5, 16147 Genova
Pediatria Materno infantile

Prof. Angelo Ravelli
IRCCS Istituto Giannina Gaslini
The Istituto Giannina Gaslini, created out of an act of love and solidarity by Senator Gerolamo Gaslini, started its activity in 1938. In 1949 the Founder transferred all his property to Fondazione Gaslini to support continuing development of research and health care. The Istituto Gaslini was recognized as national public children’s hospital and research Institute in 1956.
With its 20 interconnected buildings laying on a hill sloping down to the sea. It is a national referral centre for complex diseases affecting newborns, children, and adolescents requiring highly specialized treatment and offers up to 300 beds for ward hospitalization, day hospital admissions, and day surgery. Its catchment area is broadly national with more than 42% of patients coming from outside Liguria, 4,4% from abroad.
It hosts facilities and staff of the University of Genoa Medical School to run degree courses in Pediatric Nursing and residency programs in Pediatrics, Neuropsychiatry, and Pediatric Surgery.
Through collaboration agreements with Institutions and health care Organizations all over the world Gaslini promotes continuing education and training at local children’s hospitals and is actively involved in many humanitarian projects in developing and post-war areas.
Patient and family-centered care is pursued at all levels at Gaslini. Much effort is spent to foster home care and hospice care. Patients with chronic-complex diseases requiring palliative care are hosted in dedicated facilities.
Agreements with the Italian School System allow patients to attend classes both at bedside and in classrooms.
Research is a strategic objective of the Institute aiming mainly at translating research findings into clinical practice. The ongoing research projects address the following fields: innovative diagnostic-therapeutic strategies and rare diseases; pediatric sciences, surgery, and neonatology; rheumatology, immunology, and autoinflammatory diseases; hematology, oncology, and cell therapies; muscular and neurologic diseases.
Gaslini meets the international excellence standards for safe health care delivery. It has been accredited by Joint Commission International since 2007.