IRCCS Ismett
Via E. Tricomi 5, Palermo
Cura e ricerca delle insufficienze terminali d’organo

Prof. Massimo Pinzani
IRCCS Ismett
ISMETT, founded in 1997 by the partnership between the Sicilian Region and UPMC (University of Pittsburgh Medical Center), carries out health care and research activities in the field of solid organ transplantation and highly specialized therapies for the treatment of end-stage organ diseases. In June 2017 the Ri.MED Foundation became partner of the Institute. ISMETT has 86 beds and treats about 3000 patients per year: 7% of the patients come from outside the Region / Italy.
In ISMETT have been executed over 2000 solid organ transplants, of which more than 200 in pediatric patients and more than 300 from living donors. ISMETT is equipped with biomedical research laboratories (Molecular Biology, Molecular Pathology, Immunology and Regenerative Medicine), a GMP Laboratory for the development of cellular products for advanced therapies, a tissue transplantation laboratory accredited by CNT for pancreatic islet processing and a laboratory for preclinical experimentation on large animals.
ISMETT was recognized as IRCCS in 2014 for the “Care and research of organ terminal insufficiencies”. Regarding ISMETT activity specific to the cardiovascular field, more than 1000 patients are treated every year and are performed an average of 12 heart transplants, 7 VAD, 400 valve repair or replacements, more than 100 coronary artery by-pass, 130 TAVI. Cardiovascular outpatients are around 15,000 per year, constituting a relevant part of the entire activity of the Institute.
The research in Cardiology concerns: i) development of surgical and medical procedures for the optimization of heart transplants for survival and quality of life of transplant patients, ii) innovative techniques for the diagnosis and treatment of terminal cardiovascular insufficiency (interventional treatments, medical and surgical therapies, including assistant devices, computational modellings), iii) tissue engineering applications, molecular medicine analysis and models of precision medicine for the management and care of patients with severe heart diseases.