Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo
Piazzale Golgi, 19 – 27100 Pavia
0382 5011

Prof. Vittorio Bellotti
Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo
Policlinico San Matteo has been a Scientific Hospitalization and Treatment Institute since 1982. However, the San Matteo Hospital has been providing care since 1400.
The healthcare service is organised into five management departments (Diagnostic Medicine, Intensive Care Medicine, Women’s and Children’s Health, Surgical Science, Medical Science and Infectious Diseases) and two functional departments (Transplantology and Regenerative Therapy; Oncology, Precision Medicine and Innovative Therapies), a living expression of the synergy between research and clinic and between the Hospital and the University.
With 3,500 employees (including doctors, biologists, health technicians, nurses, social and care workers, and administrative staff), 861 beds, and an operating budget in excess of 400 million euro, San Matteo is the largest hospital in the Pavia area.
In collaboration with the University of Pavia, Policlinico San Matteo actively promotes teaching, training, and the professional and scientific qualification of medical and technical-assistance staff.
Research is integrated on a daily basis with clinical activity, particularly in certain areas that represent a historical vocation of San Matteo: from transplantology to minimally invasive and robot-assisted surgery, to highly complex diagnostic diseases and genetic pathologies.
Five major scenarios adequately describe the Policlinic’s scientific and translational research activities:
1) Cell therapy;
2) Precision medicine, i.e. a model of practising medicine that allows the right patient to be treated, with the right drug and at the right time; 3) The 3D printing system for surgery;
4) Rare diseases;
5) New diagnostic and interventional technologies in cardiology.